Monday, February 21, 2011

Been a while.. but a lot has been going on..

The last time I updated was about my 10-11 week OB appointment and going to get a new vehicle... well we didnt get that vehicle and actually got screwed over but we took it as a sign from God and ran with it. Im 14 weeks 1 day now. I swear I feel the baby move and have for the last couple weeks. I have an appointment on the 25 which is this friday and I cant wait to hear the baby and find out if things are okay. I have literally been sick with something for over a month now. Seems like I get over one thing and something else has popped up. I finally went to the Emergency room after we took the kids to Chuck-e-cheese for the 1st time. I woke up with horrible cramps, couldnt hear out of my right ear, my eye had been glued shut for the past 3 mornings and was horribly red and my throat was so sore and had the green crap in the back of it. I knew it was finally time to see a dr. We got home and I changed and headed to the hospital and got there at 6, there were literally NO seats there. A guy with a laptop got up to plug his charger in but I thought he was getting up and so I sat down, needless to say, I didnt get any good looks for that one.. I sat there for 3 hours before someone called my name and it was just to come up to the desk and they took my vitals there and told me to sit back down. My cell phone died an hour after being there so I had nothing to do, nobody to talk to and everytime they called someone's name I would get more and more angry. At 11:30 (5 1/2 hours of waiting) they called my name and took me back this time, or so I thought. They weighed me, took my temp and asked me some questions. The doctor was already in the room when I got back there and after asking me the questions he came over and literally karate chopped me in my back right where I told him it was hurting and made the pain 10x worse than what it was before. They did a throat culture and then sent me to do a urine sample. I thought I was going back to the room and the nurses sent me right back out into the waiting room. All this, there was a man that had come in at around 8 that had dropped 900 lbs on his foot and pretty much demolished his foot. He was still waiting when I came out from doing my tests. I sat and waited about 30-45 more minutes and they called me back again and this time actually took me to a room. I got my gown on and laid in bed and tried to get some rest. The doctor came in and told me that I had a HORRIBLE uti and that was causing a lot of my vomitting, cramps and fevers. He then told me that my throat was strep throat positive and that the medicine they usually give that I couldnt take being pregnant just to keep drinking hot tea with lemon and honey and sucking on cough drops. He gave me some meds and walked out and when the nurse came in to discharge me, I told her I needed to talk with the dr about my eye and ear. He came in an hour later and looked at my eye and my ear for the first time and said that my eye was pink eye and my ears both had fluid behind the eardrums. so he added another prescription for my eye and told me to take benedryll(sp) for my ear. So I walked out finding out I had a horrible uti, fluid in both my eardrums, pink eye and strep throat. I honestly feel like im falling apart. One thing that got to me though was that after waiting 7 1/2 hours, when I walked out the guy that dropped the 900 lbs on his foot STILL hadnt seen anyone! The kids have been home with me for a while now and I can honestly see how close they are getting. Eventhough they get on each others nerves a lot, they really are closer than they were. On Valentines day our little girl turned 2! It was such a bittersweet moment and tore me up inside knowing shes 2 now. We had her birthday party this past weekend and decorated it all in minnie mouse, her favorite!  She calls her "me-mou" Im so lucky to have such a beautiful family.

Enough of the ranting... were going to the park today to have another picnik. Shane's at work and I want to enjoy the day with the kids.