Sunday, August 28, 2011

Introducing Mr. Greyson Urijah Vanwitzenberg

Me and Shane woke up at 4am on Thursday morning, packed the car and made sure everything was up and we left. I had been having contractions all morning and had them all the way to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 5:30, they hooked my iv of fluids up and got me admitted. They started my pitocin at 6:35. I tried to get some rest around 7:20 and woke up at 8 to the feeling of me peeing on myself and thought my water was leaking but I felt like something else was coming out besides water. I told Shane to go get the nurse and she came in and checked and said that it was my water leaking I started gagging. She laughed and asked had my water ever broke before and I told her not on its own and I asked her if I could go to the bathroom, she helped me to the bathroom and I was bleeding really bad. I looked back and saw there was 2 clots that were the size of my palm on the bed and asked if it was normal, I could tell she was trying to keep me calm and finished helping me to the bathroom, I was having contractions and labored in the bathroom for a bit and got back to my bed, I laid back down and felt that feeling again and told her something else came out. The two nurses just stood there looking and looked at each other and said they were going to go get the dr. I knew something wasnt right. The dr came in and checked me, I was 3cm, 70% effaced and he was at -1. She went ahead and finished breaking my water to check the fluid color. All I heard was "mark it was MEC" which with Christian, he had meconium in his and thats what they said then. I started getting worried and the dr told me I was doing good and that everything was going to be fine. I prayed and told Shane It was going to be okay and I started having intense back labor. It literally felt like someone had a dull razor scrapping at my back bone. Breathing didnt help, focusing on something didnt help and all I could do was shake and cry. Shane told me to look at him and said "Kari, if you do have an epidural, you wont be any less of a person". I cried signing my papers and felt like I had let myself down, but it didnt last long lol. After I got my epidural, I could actually feel and move my legs, sit up by myself, I just didnt feel the pain. I called my mom and told her I got the epidural and she told me I was doing good and that I shouldnt get down on myself. The dr came in and checked me while I was on the phone with her. She said I was at 5cm and 80% and he was still at -1. I got off the phone with my mom and said I was going to call my grandma since she had been asking about me. I talked to her and she asked me was I feeling any of the contractions and I told her I could feel when they came and went but didnt feel them to where I was in extreme pain like I was. She then asked me when I thought he would be there and I laughed and said "The dr said by 12 we would have a baby, its almost 2, and wheres he at?" lol right when I said that, I felt this horrible pain and tried telling her I had to go, but I dont think any of us knew what was happening. lol Shane ran and got the nurses and he came back in and she checked me and I believe she didnt think I had progressed that much and when she checked, she said "Oh wow! We have a baby to deliver!" and told me try not to push that the dr was coming, I was laying on my left side because thats the only way I could feel comfort, because it felt like I had a knife in my back. The dr came running in, and told me to put my legs up and I was holding my but up in the air so that my back and but wasnt touching the bed and she laughed and said i couldnt deliver like that, and that I needed to let go of the bed and put my hands behind my legs and push when I felt the next contraction. I instantly went into this trance, I stared at her in her eyes, didnt scream, didnt cry, didnt talk.. nothing.. all I could hear in the room was my heartbeat and I could feel myself waiting for that feeling and whenever I felt anything close to that, I grabbed my legs and pushed, Then I heard Shane say "Baby, his heads out!" and didnt stop pushing.. He came out in that 1 push and was tangled really bad in his cord. I lifted up to see him and she was untangling him from his cord, and when she finally did, she handed him to me, his head rubbed against my face and it was like a feeling I cant explain. I didnt care he was covered in everything I was gagging about earlier, I just felt like i was ontop of the world. I asked if they needed him and they took him and did his assessments. I delivered the placenta while watching them do their assessments on him. and the pediatrician came in and checked him out. I sat up in the bed immediately and the nurse came over and said "You really dont look like you just had a baby" I felt like I was on top of the world and nobody could stop me. I ordered my lunch and the pediatrician finished their things with him and gave him back to me, they did find a birth defect that will require him to have surgery, but i think hes just perfect.  Hes such a good baby and breastfeeds like a pro! 

Introducing Greyson Urijah Vanwitzenberg.. 7lbs 10oz 21inches long born at 1:58pm on August 18th, 2011 :] 

I absolutely adore my family.. I honestly feel like I was suppose to be a mother to 3.. I cant believe he's here and Christian and Delainey are def proud as can be! 

Look what I just got!

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isnt he just the cutest? I love him to pieces!