Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Well hello there! It's been a while..

Look who's back! It's been a couple months short of a year since I last blogged. A lot has been going on since. So, where to start? Let's just jump in somewhere!

Christian Graduated Pre-School!

We are so proud of him. Shortly after he graduated, we had our last field trip with the class and his one teacher pulled me aside at the park and went over his end of the year evaluation. She said he had been having trouble with his emotions again and just wasn't being himself. Christian has always had a problem with dealing with his emotions and other issues with himself and others. One night I was giving the kids a bath and was filling the tub up, I turned it off to where it wasn't even over their knees, I let them play and when I started washing them off, I turned the water on to rinse them off, as soon as I turned the water off, he started panicking. He put his hand down on the bottom of the tub and started measuring the water, at least that's what it looked like. He had a complete meldown over the water being too high. We took him a couple days after that to the doctor for his kindergarten physical and we brought up what his teacher had mentioned and some things we've noticed over time, she said she does believe he has aspergers, High functioning autism. We are waiting to see a behavioral specialist now. Since looking through stuff about it, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but at the same time another pile of bricks have been put in its place. I just want to help him and I'm not very familiar with what I need to do for him so seeing the specialist and getting some help will be nice for sure! Christian started tball this year and it has really helped with his feelings and understanding things more. I can't believe my little guy is starting kindergarten this year!

For Delainey, not much new has been going on with her, we took her to her urologist appointment and found that her right kidney is smaller than the left and that her right does have damage but that all the swelling has gone down FINALLY! PRAISE GOD! 

Greyson was born with a birth defect called Hypospadias and Chordee. I never heard of it before I had him. He had repair surgery April 25th this year, we recently found out that his surgery did not take and that the original hole reopened. I've had SEVERAL people write me and tell me how selfish I am to put my son through surgery that is just a doctors way of circumcising boys. First off, he is MY child. You have your opinions, and when you have children, you can make decisions YOU think is best for them. My son was not born with foreskin like a normal child, as plenty cases of Hypospadias don't. I trust his urologist, as he is the doctor that did my daughter's surgery in April of 2010. He is an EXTREMELY good doctor and knows what he is doing. He plainly told us there was a chance that it wouldn't work, as most surgeries have a risks that it won't work. We are evaluating him for a while and then if his urologist feels that he does need another surgery later on, we will go from there. On another note, Greyson is crawling, trying to walk, he turns a year next month! 

Now that I've went over the kids lol Let me get down to what exciting news we have! We decided to look for a house. We found a really nice subdivision in a city closer to Shane's work. I told Shane I wanted to stop in and see what they looked like, then after driving through the neighborhood, I told Shane I wanted to go into one and see what they look like inside. We stopped by the office and he showed us around a couple of the houses. WE FELL IN LOVE! We decided to go ahead and try to see if they would approve us for it, they said we were applicants, but had to fix Shane's credit a little, so we buckled down and paid off everything that  the loan officer told us to, opened up another card, have been paying double on everything. She told us that she would rerun his credit July 15th. THAT'S THIS FRIDAY! 2 MORE DAYS!
EEK! we're so excited but yet sooo nervous! I have put it in my head that she will say that we need to wait a few more months, so that if we do, it's not a big deal and if we get approved, THAT'S GREAT! 

Now onto something I have been dreading to type so I left it for last. 

When I was pregnant with Greyson, and went for my anatomy scan, they found a cyst on my left ovary. They told me that it would probably go away after I had him so I didnt stress about it. After I had it, they found that it instead of getting smaller or going away has gotten bigger. Since I had blood clots in my lungs when I was pregnant with Delainey, I couldn't take the birth control they use to shrink it, so she said she was just going to wait and see if it would shrink, but told me that she thinks that I would need surgery. About 3 weeks later, I went for another ultrasound to check on it and it in fact, had gotten bigger, so she scheduled surgery. I am set to have surgery on July 20th, which is only in 8 days. I went yesterday and had my pre-op appointments. The lovely nurse blew my vein taking my blood work and my arm is really bruised, swollen and has a lump under the skin. I am having my left ovary taken out with the cyst, getting my tubes tied and getting my Paragard out, she thinks I might be having problems from it as well as the cyst. Im terrified, but ready to have this over with! 

On my last RAMBLE, were going on vacation next month for a week! I  CAN NOT wait!