Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Things here are going pretty good. Christian turns 5 in 2 days and his party is in 4! We've ordered his cake, paid for his party reservation, got most of his presents and finally got his invitations out this Monday. I'm starting to think im just as excited, if not, more excited than Christian is about this party. This is the first time we are able to have his party somewhere else other than the house. One of the parents from Christian's classroom called today and told us he was coming to his party and I got extremely giddy and Christian was like "eh". I don't think he realizes what kind of party this is going to be! Christian also fell today at school when they were going out for their fire drill. He's been trying to learn to tie his shoes and during group time or nap time at school, he will tie his shoe laces together and they untied them and had to run out of the door with them untied and one of the girls in his class stepped on the shoe lace and he tripped and hit the concrete. Delainey is growing up so fast too. I really hope she gets out of this phase of her wanting to be held all the time and whining. Greyson will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Shane started his job and we get benefits now! I can finally go get glasses and get my teeth looked at! Im extremely proud of Shane and what he has done for us. My parents are also looking at a house they might buy and just bought their new car. Im really proud of them as well. Shanes parents are coming in, in about 2 weeks.. Im really excited to see them!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Poor Little Guy..

Greyson has been screaming and fighting to eat and keeps throwing up. I called his doctor and she finally called back and told me a few things to try before they stick him on meds. She said if it doesn't get any better to call back and they would put him on meds and maybe want to do an xray. It seems like every night is getting harder and harder.. I just wish there was something I could do to take all his pain away.. I feel helpless!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I've been breastfeeding a month!

I hit my month of breastfeeding mark, and to be honest.. I feel amazing. I NEVER would have thought that we would have made it. Things haven't been the easiest but we made it! He's not really taking to a bottle or pacifier, but that's okay. He had his 1 month check up the other day and I almost cried, he weighs 10pounds 12 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long now. Something that really  amazes me is that I haven't spent one dime on his food. MY body helped grow him for the whole pregnancy and then now my body is producing food for him to eat. I have never felt so confident in my body. So here's so me and my sweet little guy and our 1 month mark! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 weeks Old

has it really been 2 weeks? well, almost 3 now? I want to freeze time right now..  :[

He's getting so BIG!

My little Big guy started his first day of pre-school on the 1st. He absolutely loves it! I could only get this picture by calling him out of his trance of how many toys and kids there was by saying "christian lets take a picture for daddy". Right after this picture, he went right back to playing and didnt even notice I was there. I had to go to him and say "Christian, can I have a hug and kiss before I leave?" When we picked him up, he was excited and you could tell on his face that he had the time of his life and was so eager to tell us what he learned. I have never seen a kid love school and learning so much. He makes me a proud mama for sure! Lainey, when we left cried and said she missed her bubba.. I took her to the park and we had biscuits together and played, went shopping and then met daddy for lunch at Pizza Hut. I'm extremely proud of my family and couldnt imagine life any other way. Heres a picture of his what he did on his first day..

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Introducing Mr. Greyson Urijah Vanwitzenberg

Me and Shane woke up at 4am on Thursday morning, packed the car and made sure everything was up and we left. I had been having contractions all morning and had them all the way to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 5:30, they hooked my iv of fluids up and got me admitted. They started my pitocin at 6:35. I tried to get some rest around 7:20 and woke up at 8 to the feeling of me peeing on myself and thought my water was leaking but I felt like something else was coming out besides water. I told Shane to go get the nurse and she came in and checked and said that it was my water leaking I started gagging. She laughed and asked had my water ever broke before and I told her not on its own and I asked her if I could go to the bathroom, she helped me to the bathroom and I was bleeding really bad. I looked back and saw there was 2 clots that were the size of my palm on the bed and asked if it was normal, I could tell she was trying to keep me calm and finished helping me to the bathroom, I was having contractions and labored in the bathroom for a bit and got back to my bed, I laid back down and felt that feeling again and told her something else came out. The two nurses just stood there looking and looked at each other and said they were going to go get the dr. I knew something wasnt right. The dr came in and checked me, I was 3cm, 70% effaced and he was at -1. She went ahead and finished breaking my water to check the fluid color. All I heard was "mark it was MEC" which with Christian, he had meconium in his and thats what they said then. I started getting worried and the dr told me I was doing good and that everything was going to be fine. I prayed and told Shane It was going to be okay and I started having intense back labor. It literally felt like someone had a dull razor scrapping at my back bone. Breathing didnt help, focusing on something didnt help and all I could do was shake and cry. Shane told me to look at him and said "Kari, if you do have an epidural, you wont be any less of a person". I cried signing my papers and felt like I had let myself down, but it didnt last long lol. After I got my epidural, I could actually feel and move my legs, sit up by myself, I just didnt feel the pain. I called my mom and told her I got the epidural and she told me I was doing good and that I shouldnt get down on myself. The dr came in and checked me while I was on the phone with her. She said I was at 5cm and 80% and he was still at -1. I got off the phone with my mom and said I was going to call my grandma since she had been asking about me. I talked to her and she asked me was I feeling any of the contractions and I told her I could feel when they came and went but didnt feel them to where I was in extreme pain like I was. She then asked me when I thought he would be there and I laughed and said "The dr said by 12 we would have a baby, its almost 2, and wheres he at?" lol right when I said that, I felt this horrible pain and tried telling her I had to go, but I dont think any of us knew what was happening. lol Shane ran and got the nurses and he came back in and she checked me and I believe she didnt think I had progressed that much and when she checked, she said "Oh wow! We have a baby to deliver!" and told me try not to push that the dr was coming, I was laying on my left side because thats the only way I could feel comfort, because it felt like I had a knife in my back. The dr came running in, and told me to put my legs up and I was holding my but up in the air so that my back and but wasnt touching the bed and she laughed and said i couldnt deliver like that, and that I needed to let go of the bed and put my hands behind my legs and push when I felt the next contraction. I instantly went into this trance, I stared at her in her eyes, didnt scream, didnt cry, didnt talk.. nothing.. all I could hear in the room was my heartbeat and I could feel myself waiting for that feeling and whenever I felt anything close to that, I grabbed my legs and pushed, Then I heard Shane say "Baby, his heads out!" and didnt stop pushing.. He came out in that 1 push and was tangled really bad in his cord. I lifted up to see him and she was untangling him from his cord, and when she finally did, she handed him to me, his head rubbed against my face and it was like a feeling I cant explain. I didnt care he was covered in everything I was gagging about earlier, I just felt like i was ontop of the world. I asked if they needed him and they took him and did his assessments. I delivered the placenta while watching them do their assessments on him. and the pediatrician came in and checked him out. I sat up in the bed immediately and the nurse came over and said "You really dont look like you just had a baby" I felt like I was on top of the world and nobody could stop me. I ordered my lunch and the pediatrician finished their things with him and gave him back to me, they did find a birth defect that will require him to have surgery, but i think hes just perfect.  Hes such a good baby and breastfeeds like a pro! 

Introducing Greyson Urijah Vanwitzenberg.. 7lbs 10oz 21inches long born at 1:58pm on August 18th, 2011 :] 

I absolutely adore my family.. I honestly feel like I was suppose to be a mother to 3.. I cant believe he's here and Christian and Delainey are def proud as can be! 

Look what I just got!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

isnt he just the cutest? I love him to pieces! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Been a while.. but a lot has been going on..

The last time I updated was about my 10-11 week OB appointment and going to get a new vehicle... well we didnt get that vehicle and actually got screwed over but we took it as a sign from God and ran with it. Im 14 weeks 1 day now. I swear I feel the baby move and have for the last couple weeks. I have an appointment on the 25 which is this friday and I cant wait to hear the baby and find out if things are okay. I have literally been sick with something for over a month now. Seems like I get over one thing and something else has popped up. I finally went to the Emergency room after we took the kids to Chuck-e-cheese for the 1st time. I woke up with horrible cramps, couldnt hear out of my right ear, my eye had been glued shut for the past 3 mornings and was horribly red and my throat was so sore and had the green crap in the back of it. I knew it was finally time to see a dr. We got home and I changed and headed to the hospital and got there at 6, there were literally NO seats there. A guy with a laptop got up to plug his charger in but I thought he was getting up and so I sat down, needless to say, I didnt get any good looks for that one.. I sat there for 3 hours before someone called my name and it was just to come up to the desk and they took my vitals there and told me to sit back down. My cell phone died an hour after being there so I had nothing to do, nobody to talk to and everytime they called someone's name I would get more and more angry. At 11:30 (5 1/2 hours of waiting) they called my name and took me back this time, or so I thought. They weighed me, took my temp and asked me some questions. The doctor was already in the room when I got back there and after asking me the questions he came over and literally karate chopped me in my back right where I told him it was hurting and made the pain 10x worse than what it was before. They did a throat culture and then sent me to do a urine sample. I thought I was going back to the room and the nurses sent me right back out into the waiting room. All this, there was a man that had come in at around 8 that had dropped 900 lbs on his foot and pretty much demolished his foot. He was still waiting when I came out from doing my tests. I sat and waited about 30-45 more minutes and they called me back again and this time actually took me to a room. I got my gown on and laid in bed and tried to get some rest. The doctor came in and told me that I had a HORRIBLE uti and that was causing a lot of my vomitting, cramps and fevers. He then told me that my throat was strep throat positive and that the medicine they usually give that I couldnt take being pregnant just to keep drinking hot tea with lemon and honey and sucking on cough drops. He gave me some meds and walked out and when the nurse came in to discharge me, I told her I needed to talk with the dr about my eye and ear. He came in an hour later and looked at my eye and my ear for the first time and said that my eye was pink eye and my ears both had fluid behind the eardrums. so he added another prescription for my eye and told me to take benedryll(sp) for my ear. So I walked out finding out I had a horrible uti, fluid in both my eardrums, pink eye and strep throat. I honestly feel like im falling apart. One thing that got to me though was that after waiting 7 1/2 hours, when I walked out the guy that dropped the 900 lbs on his foot STILL hadnt seen anyone! The kids have been home with me for a while now and I can honestly see how close they are getting. Eventhough they get on each others nerves a lot, they really are closer than they were. On Valentines day our little girl turned 2! It was such a bittersweet moment and tore me up inside knowing shes 2 now. We had her birthday party this past weekend and decorated it all in minnie mouse, her favorite!  She calls her "me-mou" Im so lucky to have such a beautiful family.

Enough of the ranting... were going to the park today to have another picnik. Shane's at work and I want to enjoy the day with the kids.

Friday, January 28, 2011

10-11 week appointment

I had my 2nd dr's appointment today.. 
We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and the kids were with us this time! 
The heartbeat was a good 160 even! 
She told me that if I were to deliver on a day she wasn't on call, for me not to let anyone boss me around and for me to stand up for myself and let the dr's know what I want and what Im going to do! 
That gave me a boost of confidence that I can do this all natural this time..
After the appointment, we went and got the kid's new car seats they are now both in 5 point harnesses which make us happy parents..
Today we also bought an intelligender... 

here's the results...
 Pretty sure its a boy result.. I just have a feeling its a boy and so does Shane!

Tomorrow we go to get a new vehicle! 

Im pretty excited! I hope everything goes as planned! its an awesome vehicle AND has room for all of us! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Weeks 4 days

Im 10 weeks 4 days.. 
feels like this is starting to drag by, which is good.
This is our last and I want to enjoy this pregnancy.
I had my High Risk Ob appointment last Tuesday and it went great!
They knocked my shots down from 100mg twice a day to 40mg once a day!
He said that he was very surprised at the fact the doctors never sent me to a hematologist when it all happened.
I had to take a blood test that test the highest 3 causes of blood clots which are things like blood disorders and things.. I haven't heard back on the results so today the Ob office will be getting a phone call when they open back up... haha!
I have my 2nd Regular Ob appointment tomorrow!
Ill get to hear the babies heart beat! 
Im going to go get an intellegender today and take it probably Sunday when I turn exactly 11 weeks.
Sickness is gone, I can eat finally and thats always nice haha!
Last night Christian couldn't sleep so me and Shane were talking to him about the baby and he said that the baby was his baby brother and he put his ear to my belly and started laughing hard and said "My little brother farted!" 
Christian and Lainey have opened my eyes up and made me realize that even though im only 23 and that sometimes I look back and miss the days I used to go out with friends and things, spending the day with my kids and husband means a lot more.
I was vacuuming and the kids always come running wherever they are and jump on the couch and scream and I chase them (Im just vacuuming the big rug lol ) but they make me laugh and nothing else matters. 
Im one lucky person to be blessed with the babies I have..

9 weeks and counting

Today I am 9 weeks.
Seems like this pregnancy is taking forever, which in a way is a good thing since this will be our last.
Meat is still making me sick, and food cravings are a bit odd!
My high risk appointment is this tuesday and Im hoping ill be able to hear the babies heart beat.
Also, on the 28th I see my regular Ob/Midwife.
Ive been taking these shots for almost a month, and my stomach looks like someone really hauled off and kicked me a bunch of times in my stomach.
Im going tomorrow to get my blood drawn so that my results are ready for the appointment on Tuesday.
Honestly sometimes I forget that Im pregnant, I know that sounds bad.
It just seems like a dream to be honest.
I have a feeling this baby is a boy, but ive been wrong with every single baby.
Honestly days have been dragging by.. It seems like they are flying in real time, but then I look at the calender on my phone for the pregnancy, and its only been 2 days.
I found a girl name I really like and it honors both of mine and Shanes families.
-Isabella Annamarie-
Ann is a name that is on my side, my moms name is LoriAnn, her mothers name is Joann, and my Dad's moms name is Ann.  Marie is a name that is on Shane's side, his mom's name is Rose Marie and his family has it as a middle name too.
Annabella Marie isnt something that we are dead set on though.
Shane is stuck on the boys name as Kameron, but Im not a fan of it though.
We bought a 100,001 baby name book when I found out I was pregnant with Christian, and used it for Delainey also, its somewhere packed away and I cant find it..

The kids have been home a whole week since they stopped daycare and even though its something to really get used to after being on a routine for 8 months, im enjoying it.
We made cookies yesterday and read books.
Our friends Maggie and David came over yesterday and they brought Zane and Zoey,
We made Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and potato salad for me.
Me and Maggie even ended up buying a birthday cake from the store for a sweet desert.
The kids were worn out and had so much fun!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rescheduled my High Risk Appointment, it is now set for next tuesday.
Cant wait to find out what they have to say!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A lot has been going on here at our house lately. Me and my husband both started another semester today, we just found out that we have to pull our kids out of the daycare they are in. Its a bittersweet moment. I hate that we have to pull them out of a daycare they have been going to for 8 months, and they have grown so much in that daycare. They are used to the daily routines and when we pick them up they are excited and full of stories about how their days went and what they did with their friends. It breaks my heart because I watched my little boy come out of his shy shell and become such an outgoing social boy because of that daycare, I watched my daughter learn to walk when I had people telling me there was something wrong, I watched her learn how to use words because of that daycare, shes learned how to become social and thats something I personally couldnt give them right now because of not really knowing many people here. I told Christian that he was going to stay home with me from now on and he looked at me and said  "but mom, I was a good boy at school" we've explained to him that it has nothing to do with him and that were going to play and have fun and do fun things together now. Tomorrow we go to tell the daycare our final decision and gather their things and tell their friends bye and tell the teachers at the daycare goodbye. I have met some really awesome and loving people at that daycare that made me know that no matter what, my kids were always in good hands when they were at that daycare. I know its going to be hard that me and Shane are both full time students that are taking complete online classes this semester which is the next 5 months, Shane works full time, and Im pregnant. One thing I know is that my kids come first, but that my schooling is very much important to me as well, it will be hard to balance it all but my kids will have lots of fun here with me.

8 weeks
Im actually 8 weeks 2 days today. I was suppose to have my doctors appointment with 2 High Risk OB's but since the snow, the places were cancelled and I didnt want to take the kids out in the weather even though Shane was going too. Im showing symptoms of being tired ALL the time, im a little crampy and food just makes me sick to my stomach. Meat makes me sick really. Just the word makes me sick to my stomach. I will make something and go to eat it and start gagging, throw it away and Shane will try something else, then I will go to eat it and gag, with the other pregnancies, I at least got to eat, it might not have stayed down, but i did feel like I at least ate something and I felt like I got some nutrients off what I ate. This pregnancy is so different than my others. Other than the normal stuff, Im still on my shots twice a day. They arent hurting as much going in now as they were, I guess my skin is getting used to it, but however the burn from the actual medicine, that has not gone down AT ALL! I hate the brusies it gives me and how tender my stomach gets. Tomorrow If the roads are clear we have to go to the school, then I have to get my blood drawn 4 hours after the shots. We've been thinking of names but cant come up wtih something that seems like "THATS IT!" we have plenty of time though.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Dr's Appointment

Yesterday was not only a day I got to spend with my family and enjoy the last day of 2010, I also had my first prenatal appointment. We dropped the kids off at daycare, and rushed to the appointment. The doctor I was going to see never even came into the room, I saw another dr's nurse and saw a completely different doctor that was actually a midwife, she was nice, went over my medical history, asked me some questions, after doing my check up, she then did a ultrasound to see how far along I was exactly, I believed I was around 10 weeks and after measuring the baby, she told me I was 6 weeks 5 days. That blew my mind, since I had a positive pregnancy test for almost 3 weeks... We got to see the baby's heartbeat and that put a lot of uneasiness to rest. I was put back on my blood thinner shots and I go back a week later which will be this coming Friday to do blood work to see what my levels are on and then Monday the midwife will be calling me with an appointment to see 2 High risk Ob's sometime soon to talk about my pregnancy. It really upset me that I set up an appointment with the doctor I wanted to see, that went through both of my deliveries and was there from day one when I found out about my blood clots.. It just seemed like I wasn't important and that really upset me. I really liked the midwife though, she explained everything, made sure that I didnt have any questions about anything and that I knew exactly what was going to happen.. I started my shots again tonight will make my 3rd shot and its not what I remember, its worse. I knew injecting myself twice a day would stink, but I dont remember it burning as bad as it does or hurting for as long as it does now. I guess It will take my skin a little to toughen up and get used to them. Im just happy that the baby is doing okay. I was an overall good day and a good appointment.