Monday, January 10, 2011

A lot has been going on here at our house lately. Me and my husband both started another semester today, we just found out that we have to pull our kids out of the daycare they are in. Its a bittersweet moment. I hate that we have to pull them out of a daycare they have been going to for 8 months, and they have grown so much in that daycare. They are used to the daily routines and when we pick them up they are excited and full of stories about how their days went and what they did with their friends. It breaks my heart because I watched my little boy come out of his shy shell and become such an outgoing social boy because of that daycare, I watched my daughter learn to walk when I had people telling me there was something wrong, I watched her learn how to use words because of that daycare, shes learned how to become social and thats something I personally couldnt give them right now because of not really knowing many people here. I told Christian that he was going to stay home with me from now on and he looked at me and said  "but mom, I was a good boy at school" we've explained to him that it has nothing to do with him and that were going to play and have fun and do fun things together now. Tomorrow we go to tell the daycare our final decision and gather their things and tell their friends bye and tell the teachers at the daycare goodbye. I have met some really awesome and loving people at that daycare that made me know that no matter what, my kids were always in good hands when they were at that daycare. I know its going to be hard that me and Shane are both full time students that are taking complete online classes this semester which is the next 5 months, Shane works full time, and Im pregnant. One thing I know is that my kids come first, but that my schooling is very much important to me as well, it will be hard to balance it all but my kids will have lots of fun here with me.

8 weeks
Im actually 8 weeks 2 days today. I was suppose to have my doctors appointment with 2 High Risk OB's but since the snow, the places were cancelled and I didnt want to take the kids out in the weather even though Shane was going too. Im showing symptoms of being tired ALL the time, im a little crampy and food just makes me sick to my stomach. Meat makes me sick really. Just the word makes me sick to my stomach. I will make something and go to eat it and start gagging, throw it away and Shane will try something else, then I will go to eat it and gag, with the other pregnancies, I at least got to eat, it might not have stayed down, but i did feel like I at least ate something and I felt like I got some nutrients off what I ate. This pregnancy is so different than my others. Other than the normal stuff, Im still on my shots twice a day. They arent hurting as much going in now as they were, I guess my skin is getting used to it, but however the burn from the actual medicine, that has not gone down AT ALL! I hate the brusies it gives me and how tender my stomach gets. Tomorrow If the roads are clear we have to go to the school, then I have to get my blood drawn 4 hours after the shots. We've been thinking of names but cant come up wtih something that seems like "THATS IT!" we have plenty of time though.

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